November 2015
This year's Dementia Congress in Telford saw us presenting on our Creative Befriender programme alongside presentations from West Yorkshire Playhouse and Liverpool Museum's house of Memories. We are busy recruiting for new Creative Befrienders - volunteer artists to work one to one in people's own homes, chatting about all things creative and creating art and visiting galleries, concerts, theatre etc together, so do get in touch if you are interested. The stunning artwork from the Remembering Together project was given to the participants in a very moving get together event where we also saw the film of the whole project made by Viveka Chauhan. It is obvious we will have to mount an exhibition of the artwork in photo format as taking it away from its rightful owners would be cruel!
October 2015
On October 23rd we have the next in the Music for The Moment series at 2.30 at Marylebone Parish Church. Hao Zi Yoh, who was involved in the Music for Thought project in Kensington & Chelsea will perform a programme of piano music.
October 8th is National Poetry Day so here is a little taste of one of the Come into the Garden poems. We hosted another event on Friday October 4th as part of the Age UK Health Fair at Kensington Town Hall to share some of the poems, read by participants, who are getting quite a taste for performing.
The Music of the Garden
In the garden
There is music.
The whoosh of children running -
One brother, seven sisters -
The incantation of the Mother,
"Today another three flowers opening,
Today another five.."
Hymns from the church two doors down,
The silence of the mountain.
A subtle score
She does not know
She hears,
But finds in the piano
At the age of five
And later plays
With passionate virtuosity
On the Concert Grand.
Schubert, Schumann..
The pink and white flowers,
The strawberries and figs,
The giant oranges,
The picking and the eating
Echo in the keys.
In the garden
There is music.
- written by Di Sherlock with Shizue
September 2015
Di Sherlock, who created the beautiful poems in the Come into the Garden poetry project, is performing a reading of her poems on Thursday 24th September at 7.30 at Omnibus, 1 Clapham Common Northside, London SW4 0QW, tickets £10, £8 concession from or 020 7498 4699. Come into the Garden is a series of poems written in response to her mother's experience of vascular dementia. Accompanied by live music, the poems describe the confusion, the bravery, the love and the absurdly funny moments. Performed by Di Sherlock, Nell Dunn, Anna Raeburn with solo clarinet accompaniment by Neyire Ashworth, the performance will be followed by a Q & A with speakers from the Alzheimers’ Society.
We are taking bookings for an art and music event at the Wallace Collection and Wigmore Hall as part of Silver Sunday on October 4th 12-4pm; also the Big Draw at the Wallace Collection on October 21st 2-4pm. Please contact [email protected] for details and to book.
Friday September 25th sees the third in our concert series Music for the Moment with musicians from Royal Academy of Music at Marylebone Parish Church at 2.30pm. Alicia Gurney who was one of the musicians on our recent Music for Thought project in Kensington & Chelsea will be offering a lovely programme of vocal music.
August 2015
The mosaic project at St Vincent's Day Centre continued through the month, creating a series of beautiful artworks as the participants design the final mosaic for the garden.
We continue to support people to get to lunchtime concerts for example at St James' Piccadilly and the Holland Park Opera afternoon concert at St Cuthbert. Lucy offered a taster printing workshop to carers in Hammersmith & Fulham to get to know people there.
July 2015
A new Music for Thought took place in Kensington & Chelsea at St Cuthbert's Community Hall, resulting in a CD of music for all the participants including original composition and lyrics.
We were very excited to double attendance at a second Music for the Moment concert at Marylebone Parish Church, only the second one! The artist was Mary Reid, the harpist who had worked with people during Music for Thought.
The Come into the Garden poems were performed again during a poetry workshop at Cremorne Club Room and an anthology of all the work will be drawn together in the autumn.
Lucy Warren our new Resonate Projects Co-ordinator is getting about meeting people and offering taster workshops, supporting sessions at the Victoria & Albert.
June 2015
Creativity and Wellbeing Week and Carers' Week saw us at Victoria library for a beautiful afternoon of poetry created by Di Sherlock with people from the memory cafes in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster, read by Di and some of the participants . The place was packed to the rafters with visitors, participants and curious locals, and we took the opportunity to celebrate the 80th birthday of one of the participants. The poems were performed again later in the week at another CAWB event at Paddington Arts.
At the end of the month we welcomed Lucy Warren to the organisation as Resonate Projects Co-ordinator.
May 2015
Celebrating Dementia Awareness Week, Westminster Arts has mounted the Pullen mosaic artwork All the Flowers in Pimlico library. A poetry session place took place at Wigmore Hall with writer Di Sherlock to create poems that will be read by Di alongside some of the participants at a tea party event at Victoria Library, 160 Buckingham Palace Rd, London SW1W 9TR at 3.30pm on June 10th. The event is part of Creativity and Wellbeing Week and also Carers' Week. Places are limited so to book a place email [email protected]
Remembering Together has now begun with 10 people living with dementia and their family carers. Twelve apprentices, including a film-maker who will document the project, have also begun, following a two day training with Pam Schweitzer of the European Reminiscence Network.
Please note, applications for the Resonate Projects Co-ordinator are now closed.
April 2015
Theatre director and librettist Diane Sherlock has written a beautiful book of poems, entitled Come into the Garden about her mother's experience of dementia. She has also been creating poetry with people living with dementia in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster and will offer these together in an informal sharing on June 10th at 3.30pm as part of the Creativity and Wellbeing Week and Carers' Week. There will be time to discuss the work over refreshments. All the Flowers, artwork and photos from a project to create mosaics at Pullen Day Centre will also be shown.
Susanna Howard of Living Words who has run several poetry residencies in care homes with Resonate has recently developed her one woman show which was originally funded by Westminster Arts. 'Crackpot' will be performed at theQuarterhouse Theatre in Folkestone, Kent on on Friday 22 May, 8.15pm. Bookings on 01303 760750 or
March 2015
The Music for Thought project with Wigmore Hall and Royal Academy of Music has culminated in a CD of original music and folk songs performed by the group who got together to hear the music for the first time to the great delight of all. Meanwhile, the artwork from the Pullen mosaic project has been on display at the Abbey Community Centre.
February 2015
We will be running another Remembering Yesterday, Caring Today apprenticeship programme with funds from the European Reminiscence Network in Westminster. This lovely project, called Remembering Together in Westminster, brings people living with a dementia together with family members or long term friends to look at times shared using art, music, drama, poetry etc.
January 2015
Following the successful securing of funds form the local Clinical Commissioning Groups, new links are being made across the three borough area of Kensington & Chelsea, Hammersmith & Fulham and Westminster. This will really make a difference to the work of the Resonate Programme. The participants from the Remembering Together project got back together to celebrate the beautiful artwork created for them by the apprentices, which then went on tour to the Westminster Memory Cafe and in libraries at the launch events for the Reading Well books on dementia across the three boroughs of Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea.
December 2014
The apprentices from the Remembering Together project are busy creating the artwork for the couple that they worked with ready for a celebration event on January 9th 2015.
Wishing all the very best for the festive season to all our friends and colleagues.December 2015
We have now held two training sessions for new Creative Befrienders and are very excited about the new team - we are going to be placing them with people across all three boroughs in the tri-borough health area ie Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea which is a first. We presented about offering poetry interventions across three different care settings at the Creative Approaches to Dementia conference in Bristol.
This year's Dementia Congress in Telford saw us presenting on our Creative Befriender programme alongside presentations from West Yorkshire Playhouse and Liverpool Museum's house of Memories. We are busy recruiting for new Creative Befrienders - volunteer artists to work one to one in people's own homes, chatting about all things creative and creating art and visiting galleries, concerts, theatre etc together, so do get in touch if you are interested. The stunning artwork from the Remembering Together project was given to the participants in a very moving get together event where we also saw the film of the whole project made by Viveka Chauhan. It is obvious we will have to mount an exhibition of the artwork in photo format as taking it away from its rightful owners would be cruel!
October 2015
On October 23rd we have the next in the Music for The Moment series at 2.30 at Marylebone Parish Church. Hao Zi Yoh, who was involved in the Music for Thought project in Kensington & Chelsea will perform a programme of piano music.
October 8th is National Poetry Day so here is a little taste of one of the Come into the Garden poems. We hosted another event on Friday October 4th as part of the Age UK Health Fair at Kensington Town Hall to share some of the poems, read by participants, who are getting quite a taste for performing.
The Music of the Garden
In the garden
There is music.
The whoosh of children running -
One brother, seven sisters -
The incantation of the Mother,
"Today another three flowers opening,
Today another five.."
Hymns from the church two doors down,
The silence of the mountain.
A subtle score
She does not know
She hears,
But finds in the piano
At the age of five
And later plays
With passionate virtuosity
On the Concert Grand.
Schubert, Schumann..
The pink and white flowers,
The strawberries and figs,
The giant oranges,
The picking and the eating
Echo in the keys.
In the garden
There is music.
- written by Di Sherlock with Shizue
September 2015
Di Sherlock, who created the beautiful poems in the Come into the Garden poetry project, is performing a reading of her poems on Thursday 24th September at 7.30 at Omnibus, 1 Clapham Common Northside, London SW4 0QW, tickets £10, £8 concession from or 020 7498 4699. Come into the Garden is a series of poems written in response to her mother's experience of vascular dementia. Accompanied by live music, the poems describe the confusion, the bravery, the love and the absurdly funny moments. Performed by Di Sherlock, Nell Dunn, Anna Raeburn with solo clarinet accompaniment by Neyire Ashworth, the performance will be followed by a Q & A with speakers from the Alzheimers’ Society.
We are taking bookings for an art and music event at the Wallace Collection and Wigmore Hall as part of Silver Sunday on October 4th 12-4pm; also the Big Draw at the Wallace Collection on October 21st 2-4pm. Please contact [email protected] for details and to book.
Friday September 25th sees the third in our concert series Music for the Moment with musicians from Royal Academy of Music at Marylebone Parish Church at 2.30pm. Alicia Gurney who was one of the musicians on our recent Music for Thought project in Kensington & Chelsea will be offering a lovely programme of vocal music.
August 2015
The mosaic project at St Vincent's Day Centre continued through the month, creating a series of beautiful artworks as the participants design the final mosaic for the garden.
We continue to support people to get to lunchtime concerts for example at St James' Piccadilly and the Holland Park Opera afternoon concert at St Cuthbert. Lucy offered a taster printing workshop to carers in Hammersmith & Fulham to get to know people there.
July 2015
A new Music for Thought took place in Kensington & Chelsea at St Cuthbert's Community Hall, resulting in a CD of music for all the participants including original composition and lyrics.
We were very excited to double attendance at a second Music for the Moment concert at Marylebone Parish Church, only the second one! The artist was Mary Reid, the harpist who had worked with people during Music for Thought.
The Come into the Garden poems were performed again during a poetry workshop at Cremorne Club Room and an anthology of all the work will be drawn together in the autumn.
Lucy Warren our new Resonate Projects Co-ordinator is getting about meeting people and offering taster workshops, supporting sessions at the Victoria & Albert.
June 2015
Creativity and Wellbeing Week and Carers' Week saw us at Victoria library for a beautiful afternoon of poetry created by Di Sherlock with people from the memory cafes in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster, read by Di and some of the participants . The place was packed to the rafters with visitors, participants and curious locals, and we took the opportunity to celebrate the 80th birthday of one of the participants. The poems were performed again later in the week at another CAWB event at Paddington Arts.
At the end of the month we welcomed Lucy Warren to the organisation as Resonate Projects Co-ordinator.
May 2015
Celebrating Dementia Awareness Week, Westminster Arts has mounted the Pullen mosaic artwork All the Flowers in Pimlico library. A poetry session place took place at Wigmore Hall with writer Di Sherlock to create poems that will be read by Di alongside some of the participants at a tea party event at Victoria Library, 160 Buckingham Palace Rd, London SW1W 9TR at 3.30pm on June 10th. The event is part of Creativity and Wellbeing Week and also Carers' Week. Places are limited so to book a place email [email protected]
Remembering Together has now begun with 10 people living with dementia and their family carers. Twelve apprentices, including a film-maker who will document the project, have also begun, following a two day training with Pam Schweitzer of the European Reminiscence Network.
Please note, applications for the Resonate Projects Co-ordinator are now closed.
April 2015
Theatre director and librettist Diane Sherlock has written a beautiful book of poems, entitled Come into the Garden about her mother's experience of dementia. She has also been creating poetry with people living with dementia in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster and will offer these together in an informal sharing on June 10th at 3.30pm as part of the Creativity and Wellbeing Week and Carers' Week. There will be time to discuss the work over refreshments. All the Flowers, artwork and photos from a project to create mosaics at Pullen Day Centre will also be shown.
Susanna Howard of Living Words who has run several poetry residencies in care homes with Resonate has recently developed her one woman show which was originally funded by Westminster Arts. 'Crackpot' will be performed at theQuarterhouse Theatre in Folkestone, Kent on on Friday 22 May, 8.15pm. Bookings on 01303 760750 or
March 2015
The Music for Thought project with Wigmore Hall and Royal Academy of Music has culminated in a CD of original music and folk songs performed by the group who got together to hear the music for the first time to the great delight of all. Meanwhile, the artwork from the Pullen mosaic project has been on display at the Abbey Community Centre.
February 2015
We will be running another Remembering Yesterday, Caring Today apprenticeship programme with funds from the European Reminiscence Network in Westminster. This lovely project, called Remembering Together in Westminster, brings people living with a dementia together with family members or long term friends to look at times shared using art, music, drama, poetry etc.
January 2015
Following the successful securing of funds form the local Clinical Commissioning Groups, new links are being made across the three borough area of Kensington & Chelsea, Hammersmith & Fulham and Westminster. This will really make a difference to the work of the Resonate Programme. The participants from the Remembering Together project got back together to celebrate the beautiful artwork created for them by the apprentices, which then went on tour to the Westminster Memory Cafe and in libraries at the launch events for the Reading Well books on dementia across the three boroughs of Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea.
December 2014
The apprentices from the Remembering Together project are busy creating the artwork for the couple that they worked with ready for a celebration event on January 9th 2015.
Wishing all the very best for the festive season to all our friends and colleagues.December 2015
We have now held two training sessions for new Creative Befrienders and are very excited about the new team - we are going to be placing them with people across all three boroughs in the tri-borough health area ie Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea which is a first. We presented about offering poetry interventions across three different care settings at the Creative Approaches to Dementia conference in Bristol.