You can make a big difference by supporting the work of Resonate Arts. Your donation will help us to offer more projects, events and workshops in the community.
Resonate Arts is run by a small staff team, a Trustee Board and a team of volunteers.
Over the last year…
Now, we need your help! Resonate Arts desperately needs donations in order to continue our important work.
Donate online now using the Kindlink form below. Kindlink take a low commission and automatically administer Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer. It is a fast service and you do not need an account to use it.
Resonate Arts is run by a small staff team, a Trustee Board and a team of volunteers.
Over the last year…
- We enabled 81 people living with dementia and 43 carers or family members to participate in many inspiring arts activities.
- We ran 113 creative group sessions and created 1332 unique individual experiences
- We carried out 127 one-to-one creative sessions through home visits and phone calls.
Now, we need your help! Resonate Arts desperately needs donations in order to continue our important work.
Donate online now using the Kindlink form below. Kindlink take a low commission and automatically administer Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer. It is a fast service and you do not need an account to use it.
Other ways you can donate:
Online banking – with either a one-off donation or by setting up a standing order.
Account name: Westminster Arts (our registered charity name)
Account number: 67230101
Sort code: 089299
Standing orders – can be set up via mobile banking, telephone banking or download, and print this form to complete and take into your local bank.
Cheque – please make cheques out to Westminster Arts (our registered charity name) and send to: Resonate Arts, 37 Chapel Street, London, NW1 5DP.
Gift Aid - boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate, if donating via online banking, standing order or by cheque and are a UK tax payer. Download a Gift Aid form here.
Easyfundraising - Donate through your weekly shop! Easyfundraising partners with over 7,000 brands who donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice, click here to sign up.
Other ways you could support our work:
Join our volunteer Creative Befrienders or organise a community fundraising event, such as a cake sale, a sponsored run or a dress down day at your place of work!
Thank you for any support you can provide, big or small!
Online banking – with either a one-off donation or by setting up a standing order.
Account name: Westminster Arts (our registered charity name)
Account number: 67230101
Sort code: 089299
Standing orders – can be set up via mobile banking, telephone banking or download, and print this form to complete and take into your local bank.
Cheque – please make cheques out to Westminster Arts (our registered charity name) and send to: Resonate Arts, 37 Chapel Street, London, NW1 5DP.
Gift Aid - boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate, if donating via online banking, standing order or by cheque and are a UK tax payer. Download a Gift Aid form here.
Easyfundraising - Donate through your weekly shop! Easyfundraising partners with over 7,000 brands who donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice, click here to sign up.
Other ways you could support our work:
Join our volunteer Creative Befrienders or organise a community fundraising event, such as a cake sale, a sponsored run or a dress down day at your place of work!
Thank you for any support you can provide, big or small!